Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

23/9/1981 ~ 23/9/2009

I turned to 28!!! This year could best described as a great blast for my birthday. Got a white gold ring and necklace with african diamond on it. Lurveeee it very much! Thanx Love :)

He wanted to treat me at a hotel, but i refused - x pyh bazir2. We go for yong tau foo at ampang point is more than enuff. 'Hometown Yong Tau Foo' ~~

We had a walk at Wangsa Walk (grand opening was held on 16/9). He bought me a stalk of rose..hehehe...suweetnyerrr!! Sebab dia ni bukan mat bunga...huhu

Last but not least, we went for an hour karaoke at the very well-known karaoke centre ~ Ampang Park aka Yow Chuan Plaza dolu2nya...hehehe...Then we chow!

Happy Birthday Eliza :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Black Pearl Vs Carribean Blue

Auto vs Manual...
It's been several years driving an auto car. The moment I drove a manual car was a priceless experienced ever :). Wira WDD 8984 taught me almost everything about maintaining a car. And for almost 3 years it had been sold to a friend. In early 2008, I bought a Gen2 WRC 8206 and she had being used for travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu and vice versa. The mileage increased drastically as I was travelling almost every weekend.
Pic taken @ Hotel 12, Geylang, Singapore
Pic taken @ Mengabang Telipot Beach, Kuala Terengganu
Now, since 'migrating' to Sarawak, my Love is taking care of WRC 8206. We always discussing about having a new baby for my personal use in Sarawak. After taking into account the tranferring matters (which not confirm yet), I have decided to buy a new cheapest baby.
On Friday (11/9/2009), my blue baby was with me...representing ..............................QSS 295

And here is her picture.....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Moral of d story : Jangan Layan Orang Gila

Kes pertama

Aku x phm perangai pempuan ni. Nak kate meroyan, bersalin pun tak, apelg pregnant! tp aku x phm ngan sikap die yg mcm bagus pun ada gak..masuk yg ni dah 3 kali sawan babi die dtg. fes time masa die baru beli kete. seteruk2 aku planning, teruk lagi die ni yg tak penah langsung pk untuk plan. dah nak berak, baru nak gali lubang, that's her style. b4 die bli kete, aku dah remind to ask the owner simen depan umah so that 2 bijik kete leh masuk porch. suddenly, bila kete dah dtg, tetiba die decide nak pindah! what the fish!!! pastu nak pindah n ajak sorg lagi pindah ngan die. then tinggal aku n sorg lagi je kat umah ni. since that case, esoknya die masam muka. then malam aku panggil for a meeting n tanye apa kes tetiba buat muka. fyi, die tua setaun dari aku. tp pedulik ape aku ko tua kalo perangai cam mangkuk! in that meeting, die nangis..lalalala..(pdhal aku pun nak nangis gak since aku takleh tgk org nangis...hahaha). aku called for meeting cos aku pk we live under the same roof n tak bes la masam2 muka. n then keadaan jd ok.

Kes ke dua

tetiba one day die tak tegur aku. sawan babi die dtgla ni aku rasa. aku pun biar je la se ari dua. tgk die tak tegur gak. then one day aku tanye, 'aku ada wat salah ngan ko ke?'. die kate tade. die kate die tgk aku x ckp, die pun tak ckp ngan aku. then aku mintak maaf eventhough tade sape yg bersalah but she didnt say any words. case closed!

Kes ke tiga

Last two weeks sawan babi die dtg lg. fyi, die baru kawin bulan 6. then, her hubby going to fly over here in another 2 weeks for almost 10 days. suddenly die kate nak pindah. ok fine! u want to move or go to hell that is ur prob. kebetulan that day kitorg nak kuar gi tgk transformers for the 2nd time. balik je umah mlm tu terus die tak berckp. aku n sorg lg buat bodo. one nite die try to nego with sorg lagi n tanye nape kitorg tak ckp ngan die! what the fishhhhh!!! this is the 3rd time ok! n i'm not going to bend my knee to apologize of what i did nothing..enuff is aku x sabar nak tunggu die berambus!! aku x penah jumpa makhluk mcm ni...tolongla jauhkan dari aku...she's sooooooooooooooooo selfish!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2nd gath @ Bangi Golf Club 150309

Cuppies for bday celebration to three people; Haida's twins n Azrin Nizam

Our 2nd gathering @ Bangi Golf Club

Yati n Noran

The twin sisters

School'S Building

Staffs quarters


Principal quarters

Bilik Guru from the front side

Inside the classroom - view at the back of the class

Inside the classroom - view from in front of the class

Ni lah tangki air sekolah. Sumber air dari bwh tanah n air hujan...huhuu...baru kini ku tau...patut la air die sedap bangat...;)

Bangunan Bilik Guru

Tangga blakang Bilik Guru - as short cut nak turun ke classrooms...very steep

Classrooms building..Std 1-5

Sunday, March 1, 2009

An evening with housemates...

Kak ida, Carol n Lin

Bersiar-siar di petang hari...tade keje nak wat..:)

Nice photo huh?? lol

Anak-anak dara dok kat jambatan yang dah nak roboh...

Their backside as background...hihihi

Kanowit banjir for the 2nd time...

Pekan kanowit or well-known within the local as 'pasar' flooded again....

Perahu, tak boleh u-turn..:P

...Satu-satunya Petronas kat kanowit...

Perahu naik sampai ke pekan...air sampai lutut...

Kanowit banjir for the 1st time

With Sg Rajang as background :)
All the shops closed

Tak heavy sangat first time flood

Air kotor...eyakk!

Pictures with few time to write la people! dadaaaaaa

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Simply the Best!

Pejam celik, pejam celik dah 3 weeks ++ kat sini...Faced different experience each day especially while rowing the boat..hahaha...if GB drive perahu tu, mcm mat rempit bwk moto kat darat...giler kentang!! nyawa benti kejap bila dia bwk laju...ada skali tu besar gak gelombang, mmg mintak nyawa pegang bot tu...I'm still cannot stand the fear of water eventhough pakai life jacket..

Talking about the students and school, the school named SK Batu Luking, Kanowit. Total students are 46 only (SKM-Sekolah Kurang Murid). Eventhough kurang murid, dun simply kate 'senangla'...huhu...camne nak senang kalo dorg tak reti cakap melayu, apelagi inggeris!! sangatla menguji kesabaranku...huhuhu...mcm ayam ngan itik, dok angguk2 geleng2. seb baik aku takleh bertelur...kalo tak, berdozen2 telur aku dah...

will update soon....take care people!! :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Outing Days...

Yesterday was an outing day for those who had been posted to the super duper rural area in Sarawak. These rural areas were divided into three categories; P1(pedalaman 1), P2(pedalaman 2), P3(pedalaman 3). The hard core one was the P3..huhu..Mine is P1.

Three of us (Me, Hani n Min) dress up early in the morning to Sibu. We got a bus to Sibu at 10a.m. Reached the town at about 11.20a.m. First thing first: get our lunch! Next, went to Giant and bought our daily needs. Then we searched for wifi..hehehe..

Finally, as my suggestion, we ended up by renting a room at a budget hotel in Sibu-City Inn Hotel. RM35 per nite..hahaha...not really called a backpackers, it was unplanned.

Met Naim at the town. She was quite happy to stay at P2..hmm...wandering how she could felt like that huh???

Tomorrow we will going back to our home sweet home in Kanowit :( Here we come our real life...huhuhu

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sg Rajang Wif Luv...

Sungai Rajang; the longest river in Malaysia..

Life jacket yg baru kitorg dpt...huhuhu

Heading to school...giler penat!!

Nak pegi tgk umah sewa kat pekan. Tukang bwk perahu tu is one of the teachers kat SK Batu Luking named Peter. Cikgu Peter ni nak bwk pi tgk bilik sewa kat umah dia. Perahu tu owned by himself.

Pengangkutan utama kat sini adalah perahu..

Sian ayam nih! kejam tul penjual kat kedai ni..ape la salahnyer letak ayam tu lam sangkar kan...

Nasi lemak kat pekan Kanowit yg dijual oleh satu-satunya kedai melayu kat situ..hehe...kaler ijau nasik die tuhhhh!!! tak tahannnn....neway, sedap gak rasa dia..:))