Saturday, January 3, 2009

1 Day Left...

Friday, 02012009 - Zalina fetched me at home suruh 'teman' dia ke Shah Alam. After lunch taken, I suggested to Zalina a.k.a. Lizzy Zalina (Facebook) to get the certified true copy from the IPD Shah Alam. Polis kat post guard kate, 'Naik tingkat 8, pegi Hal Ehwal Awam'. Unfortunately, today is Friday (please help me to pretend like I wrote this on Friday itself..huhu), so the grade A officers came back late to the office as they performed their Friday prayers.

Then, she decided to go to her school of marketing in UiTM. Wahhh!! We refreshed some of our memories (we were not really close while studying at UiTM thou)...At last she got her certs after one hour..phewww!! Reached home at about 6.30p.m. and I was like rushing back home to get the paper bag, and started the car engine and shoot to PJ. He spent some money at the Giant, Amcorp Mall for goods that I'll bring to Sibu. Sadly, I was forced to buy Maggi, which I had banned it for some years due to an incident..hehehe..megi tu kembang mcm cacing!! And that was the last time I ate megi...eyakkkksss!!

We ended up at OLDTOWN White Coffee Cafe @ PJ Sek 13. I was like craving for mee kari...hehehe...sedapnyerr!!

For Him

For Her

He loves her :)

She loves him :)

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